No Matter What Happens In Your Life, You Can Start Over

“You feel sorry about the plant, though you did nothing to put it there.

Maybe you were hoping something would happen in your life, and it didn’t happen…While Jonah was sitting outside Nineveh, waiting for it to be judged, the Bible tells us.. The Lord God arranged for a leafy plant to grow there, and soon it spread its broad leaves over Jonah’s head, shading him from the sun. This eased his discomfort, and Jonah was very grateful for the plant”  Then the Bible says the Lord brought a worm that ate the plant, causing it to die. So Jonah said, “Death is certainly better than living like this!” Jonah seemed to be more concerned about losing his shade than he was about the people of Nineveh. He missed his comfort. He missed the whole picture.  The problem with Jonah was that he was preoccupied with himself. It’s a reminder that no matter how long we have known the Lord, we can still mess up. No matter how long we have known the Lord, we still may need to be revived again. You may have slipped in one way or another maybe in more than one way.. however God can turn a mess into a success in the words of Manny Pacquiao…First thing you should do if you want to start fresh is…Renew your mind a negative mind can not produce a positive life..or something like that you get the idea.  If any of you have hit rock bottom or know someone that has or is throwing there life away please intervene offer help put them in Gods hands and let Him do the work..Have faith visualize your life and that persons life the way you would like to see it and live it… a long happy, healthy, and wealthy life for you and your household all those connected to you in any way may God bless all of you with peace,  joy, and tranquility in every area and aspect of your life. Secondly, sow seeds for the things you need. For example you need healing visit a sick person..Are you lonely be a friend. etc.. etc..Have a Good evening





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